Vi är förändringsoptimister
Symbal är en unik mix av experter inom förändringsteori, strategisk kommunikation, kreativ produktion och moderna lärolösningar. Vi tror alla på samma idé: förändring till det bättre.
Change communication specialists
Our project leaders and consultants collectively have decades of experience helping companies and public organizations succeed at change. To be honest, they’re pretty big change nerds. They’re skilled facilitators who use creative methods to get groups to pull in the same direction, both online and in the physical space.

Learning designers
What does it really take to not just learn new skills but put them to use in your reality? That’s the obsession of our learning designers. We challenge standard learning approaches and meet your people on their terms to create solutions that are as relevant as possible. Since we’re technology independent, we help you select the best learning tech for you. Our customers always buy the technology from someone else – but often ask us first.
Concept creators
Vi har kreativa medarbetare som har hamnat på Symbal från både byrå och kundsidan. Med andra ord, du får stora idéer som går att uppfylla. Vi lär oss allt om er och leder det kreativa arbetet i workshops. Digitalt, fysiskt eller både och, vi är flytande i kreativa processer. Vad sägs om en intensiv sprint där du går från behov till koncept på några dagar?

Strategic concept development at Symbal
Listen to our 2 minute podcast, where Petter explains more about the role
Storytellers and filmmakers
Our full-service film studio is filled with experienced trailblazers who have seen it all and a new generation who put the latest techniques and technology to use. We can make you look like the expert you are on film, create vibrant animated worlds, bring out the drama with memorable characters, and more. Our writers and producers can do everything from telling an engaging story, making people shine in front of the camera, to leading live global broadcasts. Want to see for yourself? Take a look at our showreel.